Saturday, May 28, 2011

Day Nine: Connecticut to Maine

Solitary by Matt May 2011
Day nine and the end of my motorcycle trip. Over 2000 miles travelled in nine days. I left my sister this morning at about 10:00AM and was met with rain. No photo opportunities as the weather was the pits.

My visit with my sister was really nice and we decided we will do this again soon. It is nice to reconnect after such a disconnection. Depression divides us from our love and interests. Depression filled me with such negative self views and impressions of myself and how others saw me. The perceptions were flawed and I see that now, but I still need to fight those negative voices.

If I'm not careful my depression will slowly isolate me and shut me down. I need to be out and be social to fight the depression demons, the entity from a previous post. I need to take up a hobby, join a gym or some other social function to keep me active and out and about.

The riding was a wonderful way to begin to reconnect with myself. But now with the onset of a workday routine, I need to find something new, something that will keep me on the road to recovery.

I will keep you all posted.

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