Wednesday, May 18, 2011

The Milieu

The group process at Acadia is a key element to my recovery. The group setting, also referred to as the milieu, is where I first came out of my guarded shell and opened up about my depression. The power is indeed with the people.

I quickly discovered that all of the patients who were getting well and being discharged were the same faces I consistently saw in the milieu, or out and about being social. The patients who withdrew into isolation did not.

For me, I find immense strength and power in the stories of my peers who are suffering, coping and managing with their illnesses. Whether it is psychosis, bi-polar, depression or substance abuse, each member of the milieu brings exceptional gifts to the mix.

Each time I engaged another member in discussion, I was able to learn something valuable. By sharing with one another we grow stronger. There is wisdom and strength in knowing we are not alone. It comforted me to know others had suicidal thoughts, self hatred, fears and worries about their illnesses. Like the old saying goes, "Misery loves company". I owe so much to so many people, many probably are not aware of the gifts they gave to me, who shared with me in the milieu.

Together we grow stronger!


  1. Encouragement is key to recovery and that is what we do for each other. :-)

  2. I hope many others find encouragement here as well. My goal is this is a helpful and hopeful place. Depression is such an isolating illness, the more light I shed on it the better I will become. The milieu and support peers is a critical part of my recovery.

    Thanks Heidi!
