Normally weekends are dreadful due to the down time and lack of diversions. Too much time to think for someone with depression can be a grueling experience. Not this weekend!
I struggled to come to terms with decorating and setting up my new apartment. I dragged my way through picking out some curtains and thought that hanging them would be a rotten chore. I was wrong.
Once I was home and began setting the rods up I fell into a nice little rhythm. I determined on my ride home to think positive and embrace change. I found that I was enjoying myself.
Curtains are now hung, bathrooms are now all set and my kitchen is taking shape. My little space is beginning to feel like a home. I even have a little corner for an office. Now I need to arrange cable TV and internet service and I will be set.
My friend also encouraged me to come to a cookout on Sunday. It was a great outing to meet some new people and hangout with some friends. I fought the urge to hunker down and hide out. I broke out of my depression routine of lying low and it felt good.
I even found that the downtime wasn't overcome with deep dark moments of depression ridden anxiety. I struggled some at night and in the mornings, but overall it was manageable and unobtrusive. I know in large part it has been due to sleep. My sleep has been very good, deep and restful. That makes so much of a difference with my symptoms of depression.
So, instead of a weekend of angst and depression I have managed it well with positive thinking, sleep and a little bit of luck. I am hopeful to be able to string a few more good days together and to keep my sleep deep and healthy.
Happy 4th of July!!
Take Care Of Yourselves!
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