Saturday, July 16, 2011


There are so many symbols we can use to help ground our lives. Two of my favorites are water and mountains. When you combine the two you really have winning symbols for a meditative practice.

The corresponding photo is one I found while online. This photo is of the Bubble's at Jordan Pond in Bar Harbor Maine. I am frequently there for work and play and use this image as my meditative visual. This location has also provided me with a great deal of joy.

For me, the mountains symbolize strength and dignity. When I meditate with the image in mind of the Bubbles at Jordan Pond, I feel their strength inspire me. The image provides a great deal of comfort and a state of being I wish to attain. They are resilient, stoic and strong.

The water is also an exceptional vehicle for symbolism during meditation. Moving or coursing water speaks of inspiration and pathways and journeys toward recovery. Smooth, still water on the other hand provides the tranquil, calming and restorative mood needed to help provide grounding and contemplation.

Symbols have become an important part of my recovery from depression. Using these symbols in the images I choose during the meditative practice is also providing me with ways to recharge and unwind. I interlace my focus on the image and my drawing breath. In your meditation practice I encourage you to try incorporating a few themed images to help you focus. You may find it works wonders.

Take Care Of Yourselves!

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