Since beginning a practice of meditation I have found there to many pluses to waking and rising with the sun. In large part my new early rising has me to bed earlier and sleep is exceptionally good for treating depression.
Waking early is a wonderful way to begin the day in a state of calmness suited to positive meditation. For the most part the world at large isn't in gear yet and there is a stillness about the early hours of the morning.
Rising early also reminds me of the importance of a true foundation of mindfulness throughout my day. We can so easily slip into automatic pilot, falling into daily habits. By practicing meditation early in the morning it raises my awareness and calls me to a higher standard than just purely sleeping in.
Instead of staying tucked under the covers the act of waking and rising speaks to intentionality. By setting my time to wake early as the sun is rising I am creating a new discipline devoted to my health and well being. I am active in changing my existing depressed life for one filled with greater hopes and change. This simple act of commitment will evoke change, and it is change I can already perceive.
Don't get me wrong, I love to sleep in from time to time. However, as of late the benefits and positive feelings I have from waking early are helping in my recovery. I can feel a degree of calmness I have glimpsed occasionally become more apparent in my daily life. Here is to greeting the sun.
Take Care Of Yourselves!
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