Monday, November 19, 2012

It has been quite some time since I have added an entry to my blog. My last entry was July and a great deal has happened since then. Most importantly my depression is firmly and soundly under full control.

As many of you know I began a course of treatment with ECT, Electro Convulsive Therapy.
Since July I have had one treatment every four weeks. The treatments have all been fairly routine, except for one treatment in October, more about that later.

My treating physician believes that one more treatment in November should be just enough for us to take a break and see how well my depression can be managed. I'm very confident that the depression will stay at bay, as I approach each new session my mood has been stable. Maintaining my mood is a very good sign as it seems to mean that the ECT is having a lasting impression on my overall mood.

As a very good friend has said, I'm doing a lot of the heavy lifting. Most importantly I'm physically active many times per week. I have a great friend that I hike and bike with. She has been great for helping me establish my new regiment of physical exercise. Not to mention she is incredibly fun to be around.

Exercise and getting out in the sunshine are vital ingredients to my successful treatment. Maintaining a physical exercise program is key to helping our bodies maintain their feel good emotions. I find times during the week to hike various trails I pass and am also often able to break my bike out for a few rides.

I have also made some considerable diet changes. I have cut back on my fast food intake and have started cooking more meals for myself at home. This is a challenge when you live alone, as cooking a meal is often times more food than one person needs, but it allows me to include more fresh fruit and vegetables which are vital in helping maintain a stable mood. Fast food is not the greatest for controlling weight gain or staying healthy.

So, overall my mood has maintained, my exercise program has been stable, my friends have been helpful and I'm very optimistic for a bright and wonderful future. Each day life improves just a little bit, but it is positive forward progress which is great. I look forward to many bright days ahead!