Tuesday, June 28, 2011

June 27th

Sunshine. Sunshine is a vital ingredient to aiding my battle with depression. Along with my daily meditations, exercise is a key component to my recovery. Nothing lifts my mood quite like sunshine.

Whether it is my daily walk in the city forest, chipping a few golf balls at the local school near where I have been staying or my daily drives to see clients, sunshine is a great mood elevator.

I can really feel a difference on days where there are grey skies or rainy drizzle. Especially if there are a number of darker days linked together. The grey skies directly somber my mood, bringing me face to face with the heavy cruelness that is depression.

Rainy or grey days present a challenge, what to do with the pending down time and idle mind. Typically I attempt to fill my schedule with activities. Of course on a rainy day the opportunities are limited.

Grey days aren't as difficult. Primarily because I can still get out and walk, golf or bike. While not as fun as when it is sunny, the exercise component can still be met. Not to mention my social need to meet with friends for a game of nine holes or simply to hang out and have some conversation and a few laughs.

Here is wishing you all a bright sunny day!

Take Care Of Yourselves!


  1. I could have written this post because I feel exactly the same way - 3 or 4 grey days in a row and I'm really feeling it. Since I have a dog who needs to be walked everyday I have to get out even when it's raining. It can be extremely difficult to get out there but sometimes (not every time by any stretch) when I get home, I'm glad I went.

  2. I agree, there are so many times that I just don't want to exercise, but am so glad I did. It really can pick me up.
