Wednesday, July 13, 2011


As part of my recovery I see a therapist once a week. He is a great guy and we have begun getting to know one another. The time is greatly beneficial.

It can be a real daunting task to speak to someone about my inner darkness. Even someone that I know quite well would be a challenge, but a virtual stranger is something completely different. However we are getting along rather well.

I find he is moving slowly to help me with all of the transitions and loss I am faced with. For this I am grateful. It can be overwhelming to think of it all at once.

He has begun by helping me with the loss of my dogs. I had to give them up for adoption due to my change in home status. I tried to locate an apartment that would accept pets to no avail.

My sense of loss and grief over losing my girls is at times unbearable. The pain I feel over giving them up paralyzes me with regret and guilt. Dogs love us with such unconditional abandon it is terribly painful to feel that I did them an injustice. My therapist has helped ease my feelings of guilt and delivered for me some much needed perspective. I worked to find a shelter that did not euthanize their pets and with the help of my sister both girls now have loving homes. I did right by them when my options were incredibly limited.

I hope those of you out there seeing a therapist have had success with your partnership. After all, it is a partnership that can help us to grow stronger and more aware of our conditions. With the guidance of our therapists we can begin to lead healthy, contented and more aware lives. We can act instead of react, plan instead of procrastinate, and live instead of merely survive.

Take Care Of Yourselves!

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